You’re on a mission, but it’s hard work
Time, Money, & People
Finding the time, money, and people power to realize a vision of a better world that others can’t yet see, no matter what the scale, comes with its own set of unique problems, and the weight of the responsibility can be heavy.
Uncharted & Uncertain Waters
Trying to create new work, a new organization, or a new reality that doesn’t yet exist (or that represents a fundamental cultural shift) isn’t the same as building a widget. Navigating uncertainty and the unknown is the name of the game.
Burn Out & Self Doubt
Feeling like you’re giving it your all but not making progress as quickly as you hoped, or feeling unfulfilled in your work and life can make the most dedicated changemaker want to give up.
Lindsey A. Rogers
— Social Impact Coach —
I’m a career, leadership, and life coach for visionary entrepreneurs, creators, and change agents doing work that betters the world.
They’re brilliant, resourceful, and highly competent professionals who feel called to step into their next level of growth, yet they’ve hit a ceiling on the way to their vision that’s making them feel stalled and struggling to avoid burnout — trapped by their current responsibilities of raising money, managing people, and holding the world on their shoulders.
I help them break through their personal and professional ceilings by transforming their mental blocks into superpowers. Together, we turn their fundraising, hiring, and operational obstacles into opportunities that unlock their next level of leadership so they can build world-changing organizations and lead joyful, meaningful lives.